As a part of our constant endeavor to improve shareholder services, we have initiated a shareholders' satisfaction survey. Please spare a few minutes of your valuable time to fill this questionnaire. Kindly rate your responses on specified service areas listed below on the following scale:

Needs Improvement


At par with Industry Standard

Above Industry Standard


Shareholders Information

1. Website of the Company

A. Quality of information
B. Relevance & adequacy of information
C. Ease & accessibility while navigating
D. Overall rating

2. Dissemination of information about the Company by way of

A. Shareholder communication
B. Annual reports
C. Newspapers / Press release
D. Company's website
E. E-mails and earning conference call transcripts
F. Overall rating

3. How do you rate the receipt of various documents / intimations :

A. Dividend / ECS intimation
B. General notices / updates
C. Overall rating

4. In case you attended the AGM of the Company, how do you find the arrangement

A. Structure and sequencing of meeting
B. Q & A Session
C. E- Voting and Insta Poll facility
D. Overall rating

5. Annual report of the Company

A. Quality and content of annual report
B. Timely receipt of annual report
C. Overall rating

6. Interaction with Company Officials

A. Behaviour / Hospitality
B. Quality and relevance of information
C. Accessibility
D. Solution to queries
E. Overall rating

7. Grievances

A. Response time to queries
B. Quality of response
C. Overall rating
D. Any unresolved grievances